Comprehensive global fertilizer market news , pricing & analysis

Profercy provides comprehensive expert analysis of global fertilizer markets, prices and trends. Since 2004 our reports have been provided to fertilizer market professionals across the world.

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Profercy Services / Products

Profercy Nitrogen

Unrivalled insight into the world nitrogen market, including key prices and analysis for US, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Asia and Africa. For a free trial and to find out more click here.

Profercy Phosphate & NPKs

Concise updates and analysis covering all major markets for DAP, MAP, TSP, SSP and speciality NPKs, as well as Phosphate Rock and Phosacid. For a free trial and to find out more click here.

Profercy Potash

Unrivalled analysis of the changing global Potash market. The latest prices in key markets, including contract and spot import prices. For a free trial and to find out more click here.

Profercy World Nitrogen Index

The World Nitrogen Index provides a barometer for global nitrogen markets utilising Profercy’s latest prices. The Index is updated every week following the publication of the Nitrogen Weekly Report.

The Profercy Hub

The Profercy Hub provides subscribers with instant access to over 90 key fertilizer prices, covering nitrogen, phosphates & NPKs and potash markets.

Forecasts & Market Outlook

We publish regular Urea and Ammonia Forecast reports. If you are interested in finding out more, please email:

Fertilizers swaps and derivatives

Profercy works with the following partners to support the growing fertilizer swaps and derivatives market.