Index stable as market remains flat – Chinese product headed for Europe, US supports Egyptian prices

High US Gulf urea prices support higher netbacks for Egyptian product Chinese granular urea cargo expected for Europe – first ever major cargo due in Q3 Ammonia and ammonium nitrate prices supported by continued supply cutbacks Profercy’s World Nitrogen Index gained one point this week on the back of stable prilled urea prices in the…

Urea market flat – Nitrogen Index gains 1.82 this week, up 5.38 on beginning of the month

Index up 1.82 on modest gains for urea, UAN, AN and ammonium sulphate Brief market run up supported a 5.38 increase in the PWNI in June India purchases 300,000t of urea, further tenders expected shortly The PWNI reflects the flatness in the market, with firm prices in some markets offset by weaker prices elsewhere. The…

Urea market bearish ahead of IFA Conference in Sydney; Nitrogen Index 3 points away from 2013 low

Ahead of this year’s annual International Fertilizer Association conference in Sydney, the urea market remains bearish. With the Chinese low export tax window fast approaching, forward sales by traders have been concluded at ever lower numbers for July. A large volume of granular product has been sold into Turkey, while smaller volumes have been done…

Nitrogen Index holds – Urea market set for a new round of price discovery

[tabs][tab title=”Profercy Nitrogen Index – 2012 Onwards”]  [/tab][tab title=”Profercy Nitrogen Index – 2009 Onwards”]  [/tab][/tabs] Profercy’s Nitrogen Index held at 170.76 this week (up 0.16 on last week). The urea market in the West has seen traders covering in and some spot demand evident, supporting prices for prilled and granular urea. Egyptian prices have held…

Nitrogen Index up 2 points with improved urea prices in the West

[blockquote author=”Profercy Nitrogen Report 17 April 2014″ link=”” link_title=””] “…there has been some comfort for producers in the West this week with modest price rebounds witnessed. Last minute purchasing by end users coincided with traders looking to cover in short sales” [/blockquote] Profercy’s Nitrogen Index gained 2 points last week – the first increase since…