Profercy World Nitrogen Index registers large gains as urea prices continue to ramp up

The Profercy World Nitrogen Index continues to surge ahead, last week increasing by 6.03 points to 117.45, registering gains that were last seen in August 2018. The increase is primarily down to advancing urea values in the east and west. With India securing just short of 700,000t of urea through the 30 July tender, and…


Urea market firms with India still playing catch-up

It has been a tumultuous week in the global urea market. Sentiment early in the week was rocked by international relations with new public procurement rules in India potentially blocking Chinese urea in the latest MMTC purchasing tender. As a consequence, derivatives markets were volatile with September Brazilian contracts trading up to $270pt cfr on…


Profercy Nitrogen Index firms as urea market makes strong gains

The Profercy World Nitrogen Index has increased by 2.59 points to 106.63 this week, buoyed by strong price gains in the urea market. India forced to return to the market for August shipments With India massively short of urea, another tender was announced by state purchasing agency MMTC just five days after closing its previous…


Urea: Low east coast offers into India set to test Chinese export interest

State purchasing agency MMTC closed a purchasing tender today for urea, receiving lowest offers marginally above the earlier RCF inquiry. While over 2m. tonnes were offered, the lowest offers on the east coast are likely to present challenges for the state agency in securing more than the 630-750,000t booked via recent tenders. The lowest offers…
